Friday 27 May 2016

Mararoo Kutaa 2ffaa

........Kan itti fufe............


3. Walcaalchiisuu:- Aadaa Oromoo keessatti
yeroo hedduu ijoollee dubaraarra dhiira
caalsifachuun ni calaqqisa. Yommuu dubartiin
tokko dhiira deessuufi dubara deessullee
gammachuun namonni mul’isan walqixa miti
(amma amma jijjiramoonni jiraatan illee).
Yommuu weedduu da’umsaa weeddisan illee
akkan armaan gadiitti dhiira caalchisuun
weeddisu turan.
Awwaaree jalli awwaara’ee,
Abdiisaa situ ayyaana’e,
Kan mutaan lilma sii ta’e,
Kan mucaan ilma sii ta’e.
Jechaa abbaa mucaatiif gammachuusaanii ibsu.
Yommuu dubarrii dhalatte garuu baga
ayyaanoofte hinjedhan.
Kana malees dubarrii heerumtee kan ormaa taati,
dhiirimmoo yoo fudheellee qe’ee warrasaatti hafa
jedhanii waan amananiifis akkana jedhu:-
Haadha farsoo naqxee,
Ilka maa hin naqanne,
Ilki cabee badaa,
Ilma lafee namaa,
Isatu namatti hafaa.
Eegaan dubarri Oromoo walcaalchisa kana waan
beekaniif akka armaan gadiitti mararoosaanii
A) Guduruu sirbuu gemboo daaddisuu,
Nuun duruu jibbuu obboo caalchiisuu
Obboon garaadha nutii halagaadha,
Obboon kan isaanii nummoo maal saanii?
B) Hindaaqqoon dhaltee qooxii jalattoo
Obbolee dhiiroo
Nan suuqqattanii kootii jalattoo
Kootiin kan keetii ani maal keetii? Jechuudhaan
dhalootumarraa kaasanii ishee akka lagaatti akka
ilaalaniifi obboleeshaa warra dhiiraa ofitti akka
aansaa turan dubbatti. Kana malees obbolaan
dhiiraas isheef osoo ho’uu dhiisanii heerumaaf
dabarsanii kennuusaaniif ni komatti.


Qubsuma Ummata Oromoo

Babal'ina Uumata Oromoo


In spite of the fact that there are several
indications and evidences that Oromo are
indigenous to this part of Africa, Abyssinian
rulers, court historians and monks contend
that Oromo are newcomers to the region
and did not belong here. For instance, the
Abyssinian court historian, Alaqa Taye
(1955), alleged that in the fourteenth and
sixteenth centuries the Oromo migrated
from Asia and Madagascar, entered Africa
via Mombasa and spread north and
eastwards. Others have advocated that
during the same period the Oromo crossed
the Red Sea via Bab el Mandab and spread
westwards. Abyssinian clergies even
contended that Oromo emerged from water.
On this issue, based on the points made in
The Oromo’s Voice Against Tyranny, Baxter
(1985) remarked, “… the contention that the
first Oromo had actually emerged from
water and therefore, had not evolved to the
same level of humanity as the Amhara (i.e.
treating a myth of origin as a historical
fact); or, more seriously, that Oromo were
latecomers to Ethiopia and hence, by
implication, intruders and not so entitled to
be there as the Amhara.”
The Oromo are one of the Cushitic-speaking
groups of people with variations in color and
physical characteristics ranging from
Hamitic to Nilotic. A brief look at the early
history of some of the peoples who
occupied north-eastern Africa sheds some
light on the ethnic origin of Oromo. The
Cushitic speakers have inhabited north-
eastern and eastern Africa for as long as
recorded history. The land of Cush, Nubia or
the ancient Ethiopia in middle and lower Nile
is the home of the Cushitic speakers. It was
most probably from there that they
subsequently dispersed and became
differentiated into separate linguistic and
cultural groups. The various Cushitic nations
inhabiting north-east and east Africa today
are the result of this dispersion and
differentiation. The Oromo form one of
those groups which spread southwards, and
then east and west occupying large part of
the Horn of Africa. Their physical features,
culture, language and other evidences
unequivocally point to the fact that they are
indigenous to this part of Africa. Available
information clearly indicates that the Oromo
existed as a community of people for
thousands of years in East Africa (Prouty at
al, 1981). Bates (1979) contends, “The
Gallas (Oromo) were a very ancient race, the
indigenous stock, perhaps, on which most
other peoples in this part of eastern Africa
have been grafted.”

The history of the arrival of the Oromo
people in the sixteenth century in East
Africa from outside is a fabrication and
denial of historical facts. It is a myth
created by Abyssinian court historians and
monks, sustained by their European
supporters and which the Ethiopian rulers
used to lay claim on Oromo territory and
justify their colonization of the Oromo
people. Several authorities have indicated
that the Oromo were in fact in the North-
eastern part of the continent even before
the arrival of the Habasha. According to
Perham (1948): “the emigrant Semites
landed in a continent of which the North-
East appears to have been inhabited by the
eastern groups of Hamites , often called
Kushites , who also include the Gallas .”
Paulitschke (1889) indicated that Oromo
were in East Africa during the Aksumite
period. As recorded by Greenfield (1965),
Oromo reject the view that they were late
arrivals, “… old men amongst the Azebu and
Rayya Galla dismiss talk of their being
comparative newcomers.” Their own
(Abyssinians) oral history and legends attest
to the fact that Oromo have been living in
Rayya for a long time. Beke (cited by
Pankurst, 1985-86) quoted the following
Lasta legend: “Menilek, the son of Solomon,
… entered Abyssinia from the East, beyond
the country of the Rayya or Azebo Gallas .”
There are also evidence (Greenfield et al,
1980) that at least by the ninth and tenth
centuries that there were Oromo
communities around Shawa and by about
the fourteenth century settlements were
reported around Lake Tana.

Monday 2 May 2016

Mararoo Dubartootaa Kutaa 1ffaa.......

Aadaa Fuudhaa fi Heerumaa Oromoo keessatti Dubartoonni Quuqqaa fi mormii isaanii bifa garagaraatiin himatu "Mararoo Dubartootaa.........

Mararoo Dubartoonni bifa hedduun ibsatu isaan keessa muraasa akka armaan gaddiiti

quuqqaa garaashee haaloota sadirratti hundaa’uu
ibsachuu jalqabdi. Haaloonni quuqqaa kunneenis
utuu umrii malee heerumuu, fedhiin ala
horiidhaan jijjiiramuufi walcaalchiisu ta’uu
danda’a. Mee kanneen tokko tokkoon haa ilaallu.
1. Umurii malee heerumuu:- Dubarri tokko sababa
umrii malee ishee heerumsiisaniif akkana jettee
komeeshee ibsatti.
A) Harmi koo hinbaanee, ni quuqxe malee,
Yaa aayyoolee koo,
Laanni koo hingeenyee, Yaa aayyoolee koo,
na quufte malee,
ulee geeshee muruu,
maaf na laatta haadha koo, anoo beekee
B) Yaa abbaayyee koo,yaa aayyolee koo,
Maaltu maal ta’ee, kan badii ta’ee,
Cabaawoo hintuffannee,
Darbaawoo hindubbanne,
Yaa ayyoolee koo iddoo ciisakoo
gumbii dhaabbadhuu
Cabaa irbaatakoo dilbii kaawwadhuu,
Dibaa mataakoo samaa kaawwadhu.
C) Yaa obbolee koo,
Gadi bahaati, gorbatti siiksaa,
Guyyaa kennaa koo torbeetti hiiksaa,
Gaafa torbee koo kurnootti hiiksaa
Gaafa kurnookoo malli funyoo koo. jettee komee
maatiisheerraa qabdu ibsatti.
Walaloo kana keessatti intalli akka heerumaaf
hingeenye tokkooffaa harmashee
waabeeffachuudhaan ibsatti. Aadaa Oromoo
keessatti mallattoo ta’uudhaan waan ibsu qaba.
Durba tokko “harmishee hin baane” yoo jedhamu
xiqqoo ta’uushee agarsiisa. Harmiishee ba’ee
qomarraa yoo mul’atu garuu geessuu ta’ushee
2. Fedhiin ala horiidhaan jijjiramuu:-
kanas akka armaan gadiitti ibsatti.
A) Waddeessa qe’ee murmurtuu hinseenee,
Murmurtaniiree guddiftuu ijoollee?
Haasooftuu qe’ee gurgurtu hinseene,
Ani ji’an se’e laftoo halkanii
Ani jiran se’e nattoo maltanii.
B) Yaa ayyooleekoo
Yommuun ani xinnoo, siree dhodhooftee, uruuruu
Amma maal goonaan, barcuma haaxoftee, qarshii
lakkooftee, gurguruu jettaa?
Yommuu na biraa dirribee jettaa,
Dirribiin dhufnaan dirribee gattee
dirrib koo jettee,
Horiidhaaf jettee dhalakee gattaa?
Qarshii qiraacii darbattee keess-
aa, guchuma keessaa,
Dhalli bilaatii ergattee teessaa, dull-uma keessa
Walaloon kun heeruma bittaafi gurgurtaatti
fakkeessuun ibsa. Akkuma beekamu gurgurtaa
keessatti horiin yookiin meeshaan gurguramu
tokko eenyuutti, meeqaaniifi yoom akka
gurguramu murteessuuf yaada kennuu
hindanda’u. Intalli mararoo kana weddiftuus
heerumni kanarraa adda akka hintaane
addeessuudhaan warra gurgurtaa gaggeessan
sana komatti fedhiin osoo hinta’iin horiif jecha
haala kanaan ishee kennuunsaanii
gurgurtaarrayyuu darbee du’a akka itti fakkaate
Haa ta’u malee aadaa Oromoo keessatti dubarri
hundi haala kanaan heerumti jechuu miti. Garuu
fedhiisheerra qabeenyi dhiiraa akka caalu
geeraraan yommuu ibsamu ni mul’ata.
Fakkeenyaaf caalmaa abbaa horii mul’isuuf
akkanaan geeraru.
Naqamtee Kumsaatu caalaa,
Kumsaa Mooriitu Caalaa,
Naqatee durba fuudhuuf,
Abbaa horiitu caalaa,
Naqamtee Kumsaa Morii,
Na qabde gumjaan horii, jechuun kan geeraran
Eegaan burqaan komee durba tokko fedhiidhaan
ala horiidhaan jijjiramuu yoo ta’u inni sadaffaan
ammoo walcaalchiisuudha.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Oromo Proverb

Mammaaksa Afaan Oromoo

Qawwee dhufe dubbin dhufe
When an Amhara came, a problem came
Yaraadha jennaan kan nadheen dhiitu.
A bad man is he who kicks a woman.
Abbaan waraanaa dubbii waaraana dubbata.
A leader of war talks about war.
Olkaa’an fuudhan malee olka’an hinfudhan.
One takes tomorrow what he/she puts by today.
Mataa malee balbala hinbaan.
Head goes through a door before the other parts
of the body.
Mana ofii dhakaa itti baatan.
One carries a stone in his home.
Nama duloometu waa hima.
It is an elderly person who tells something.
Nama dubbiin nama dhibe cal’dhisan dhiban.
When a person troubles you with a disappointing
word, trouble him with silence.
Beekaan afaan cufata malee balbala hincufatu.
A wise man shuts his mouth, but not his door.
Kan suuta deemu qoraatiin suuta seent.
A thorn slowly gets into the body of a person
who walks slowly.
Dhugaan ganama huqqattee galgala gabbatti.
Truth looks thin in the morning but grows fat in
the evening.
Dhugaan niqallatti malee hincabdu.
Although it is thin, truth doesn’t break.
Cubbuun dura furdifte booda qallisti.
Sin makes someone plump at first and
emaciated later.
Cubbuun takka tratii takka dhaqabdi.
Sin goes slowly but reaches timely.
Nama abbaa jedhaniin obboo hinjedhan.
One doesn’t call someone “brother” after he has
called him “father”.

Jaagama Badhaanee..........

******Jaagamaa Badhaanee*******

Qabsaawaan ni kufaa qabsoon itti fufa! Kan kaayyoof kufe lama dhalatee takka du’e, kana ofumaa du’e takkaa dhalatee lama du’e.
Qabsoo bilisummaaf deemsifamaa ture keessatti goototi Oromoo qaqqalii ta’an itti wareegamaniiru. Wareegama isaanii kanatu har’a akka nuyi Oromummaa keenyaa beeknee sanaafis falmannu nu godhe. Haata’uu malee, wareegama haga har’aa kaffalameen qabsoon Oromoo galii isaa hin geenye. Garuu qabsoon keenyi guyyumaa guyyaan fuladuratti tarkaanfataa jira.
Goototii barattooti Oromoos qabsoo hangafooti qabsaawoti keenyi warri akka Jeneraal Taaddasaa Birruu, Baroo Tumsaa, Elemoo Qilxuu, Magarsaa Barii, Gadaa Gammadaa, Abbomaa Mitikkuu fi kkf itti wareegamanii aakka bakkan geenyuuf imaana nutti kennatanii dabran bakkan gayuuf qabsoo hadhawaa gochaa turuun isaanii ni beekama.
Keessatti baroota 2000 as wareegamni goototi baratoota Oromoo seenaa Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti bakka guddaa qaba. Wareegamtooti kanneen akka Geetuu Dirribaa/ Ambotti/ Diribee Jifaar /Dambidoollootti/ bara 2000 keessa kaffalan baratoota Oromoo bakka adda addaa tti fakeenyaa gootummaa ta’ee akka isaan qabsoo isaanii finiinsan isaan taasiseera. Maqaleett ajjeefamuun barataa Simee Tarrafaa ammoo baratoota Oromoo caalatti tokko ta’anii diina ija baasaa Oromoo lafa irraa dhabamsiisuuf itti jiru kana falmachuun waan furmaata hin qabne ta’uu isaa hubachiseera. Egaa akka kanaani qabsoon Bilisummaa baratoota Oromoo golee arfan Oromiyaa keessatti kan fininee itti fufee har’a as gaye.
Egaa fincilli diddaa gabrummaa amma itti jirus itti fufaa qabsoo goototaa qabsaawota keenya bilisummaa Oromoof gucaa ta’anii darbaniiti. Akka kanaan baratooti Oromoo fi hawaasi Oromoo bakka adda addaatti wareega qaqqalii kaffalaa jira. Isaan kana keessa gaafa roobii/ 9/11/05/ kan wareegamee Gootichaa Jaagamaa Badhaanee waa jetna.
Jaagamaa Badhaanee barataa Oromoo goota, gara kuteessa fi gamna barattoota kanneen kaniif fakkeenya garii fi dura bu’aa ture. Sochii barattoota bara 2000 jalqabamee irraa kaasee adda durumaan kan baratoota qindeessaa turee fi kan sabboonummaa Oromoo barattoota keessatti dagagsaa turee dha. Gaafa sadarkaa tokkoffa/ kutaa 7ffaa/ baratuu illee maadhee dhoksaa barattootatti ijaaramee kan qindeessa ture ta’uun isaa hiriyooti isaa oso hirqinfatani dubbatu.
Jaagamaan beekaa kan dubbatee nama hin mufachiisnee fi kan namoota hedduuf fakkeenya ta’ee dha. Kana irraa ka’uun baratooti Oromoo naannoo Amboo akka “motora’ sochii isaanitti isa ilaalu. Wayyaneenis kanumaa irraa ka’uun akka inni mana barumsaa irraa wagga sadiif /2002-2005/ariyatamu goote. Haata’uu garuu Jaagamaatiin kun haamilee isa hin tuqne. Bakka jiru hundumaatti waa’ee gabrummaa Oromoo dubbatee hiriyoota isaa qabsoof kakasuu irraa duubaa hin deebine. Yeroo kana mana suuraa Tsiyoon jedhamu Amboo keessa waggota sadan kana yeroo hojjetaa tures sabbonota Oromoo mamiltooti isaa dinqisifanna fi jaalala guddaa horateera.
Egaa Wayyaneenis kana hundumaa waan beektuuf dursitee baratoota keessa isa baaftee kan isheen osoo baratooti dhaadhannoo isaanii illee dhageessisuu hin jalqabiin kan isheen rasaasa itti roobsite. Ummati fi baratooti Amboos Awwaalcha goota Oromoo kana irratti hedduminaan argamuun kabaja guddaa fi gootummaa isaa faarfachaa kan isaa awwaalan. Sana qofaas osoo hintaane ergaa awwaalchaa isaa irraa deebi’anii alabaa ABO qabatanii halkan guutuu goototaa Oromoo wareegaman fi Jaagamaa farsaa akka gumaan isaan deebisan dhaadhachaa kan bulan. Ammallee ummati Amboo “qabsaawaan ni kufa qabsoon itti fufaa!” Jechuun fincila didda gabrummaa itti fufaa jiru. Egaa gootii akkas ummata isaaf fakkenya te’ee du’ee barabaraan jiraata kan jedhamuufis kanumaafi.
Injifannoon Ummata Oromoof!!
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati!!

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
  (Nelson Mandela)

Qeerroo Oromiyaa